Song of Solomon 2:15 Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.
The planting of a vineyard requires constant and intensivecare. The owner of the vineyard usually stays on the property, very close to his valuable crop. He fences his vineyard to protect it from harm; he especially keeps guard over the tender young grapes to keep them from being eaten by foxes. Why? This is so that his vineyard would grow to maturity and produce good fruits in abundance.
A vineyard symbolizes the fertility of a person’s heart and mind, in which God deposits ideas and inspirations which He nurtures and prunes and cares for so that those little ideas take root and grow into sweet grapes that when shared with others, enlighten, make happy and satisfies.
The condition of a vineyard must be conducive to growth in order to prevent a failed crop. So the climate must be right; there must be lots of light, heat and warmth. The vineyard is guarded, by having a fence, stone walls, hedges or any kind of border that would provide protection from thirsty animals and thieves.
So how do the foxes come into our vineyards and spoil our tender grapes?
It is the “little” foxes that the scripture above warns us against—although the caretaker has ensured a fence or boundary around the vineyard to keep the adult foxes out, the “little” foxes, however, can maneuver through small tears or holes in the fence or crawl under the fence.
These are subtle nuisances, words, actions, distractions that may appear small but make big, negative and destructive impact on your lives.
What are the “little” foxes?
- – No personal time with God
- – Thoughts that shake the foundation of our beliefs
- – Not living in peace with each other
- – Holding onto grudges (which is letting someone live rent free in your head)
- – Hate/anger (Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die)
- – Allowing offenses to render us incapable to function to our full potential. (Life becomes easier when you learn to accept an apology you never got. ~Robert Brault.)
- – Jealousy
- – Disrespect – others opinions and attitudes toward you that make you feel inferior
- – Actions and words that destroy your dream or keeps you from pursuing it
Exercise 1: Take a moment and write down a list of the “little” foxes in your life that inhibit you from reaching your goal or pursuing your dream. Whether it’s your job or extracurricular activities, a friend, family member, you need to decide what you need to do to get back on track.
How do the “little” foxes spoil the vineyard?
The little foxes destroy and trample over the tender grapes (our thoughts, ideas, dreams, inventions, goals, etc.,) in our hearts. Here are some ways the “little” foxes may have deterred or broken down the fences in your vineyard: They,
- · tell you that your invention or your dream is stupid
- · take your idea(s) and run with it (they are dream stealers)
- · take up your time with gossip and malicious thoughts and activities (Time Wasters)
- · believe you will never amount to anything
The list can go on. You can fill in the blanks yourself.
How do you guard your dreams?
· Pray fervently
· Watch diligently over the ground of your heart
· Be careful to whom you share your dreams and goals
· Surround yourself with positive people, those who can critique your work honestly and give you great advice
· Interact with people of like mind and vision to whom you can be accountable
· Remember that people are entitled to their opinions, and just because your best friend or co-worker says you suck at something does not necessarily mean you need to give up
· Remember that if you have a passion for something, just because you don’t know how to do it doesn’t mean you can’t learn
· Remember, No one can make you feel inferior without your consent ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
· Remember, The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
Anything that you allow to come upon the ground of your heart that does not prune or result in maturity, quality or increase in fruit, only destroys.
Exercise 2: Take the list you made in Exercise 1 and write down beside each item what you can do or plan to do to make a change in your life and revive those dreams you had put to rest. Perhaps you never even got out of the gate with your passion. Well now is your time to act. Start Today!
Stay Blessed Always,
~Arama Christiana